Project Specification

Final Year Project Specification

Student Name: Rachel Kehoe
Student Number: F6017815
Supervisor: Nick Daniel
Project Title: Catch a Falling Star

My project will be a 2D animated short. I aim to keep it below 60 seconds to keep production time to a minimum and to not create more work than I can accomplish. I hope to have sound to accompany my animation, either from a music student or something made myself. Though if it’s something that I have to make then it will only be simple sound effects and very basic music.

The animation will be about a little girl (Lily) who catches a star who fell asleep and fell out of the sky. After a bedtime story, Lily will be looking up at the sky ready to make her wish. To her luck she will see one, but instead of disappearing as wishing stars do, this one will be falling out of the sky! She will rush out in time to see it whizz over her head and land on her roof. As it falls, she will catch it. The ending to the animation is still to be decided as I don’t want to create more work than I am capable of doing.

I chose this idea because everyone is familiar with the idea of wishing stars and various creatures from space/creatures on the moon in general. I love the fairytale magic behind little things we used to do as children, some people still hold on to those beliefs! I hope to capture that magic and warmth in my animation.

October – December: Pre-production, Start of Animation and Start of Report
January – February: Animation (inc. clean up) and Report
March – Deadline: Final Changes, Finish Report and anything else at this time.