Tuesday 15 February 2011

Progress - slowly but surely.

Added two sketchbook pages to the Character Sketches page. I'm basically adding them as I get the time/find the sketch pages again. They're not in order or anything so don't look at them as a sort of timeline otherwise things might look a bit odd.

Scenes 3 + 4 are pretty much complete (line tests). Still not happy with Scene 4's perspective run (which is really hard to animate btw!) but I really need to move on. Staying stuck on that scene is stressing me out so I'm going to try and sort it out during the clean up.

Started on Scene 5 and nearly finished that. Completed line tests will be up soon.

I'm considering two changes to the project. One is a slight change to the character's eyes to make their focus more apparent and the second is a scene change. Referring back to the animatic, the scene where Lily turns as the star heads for the house, I was never happy with that scene. I thought it was weak, quite frankly. I'm considering changing it to show from a sort of 'over the shoulder' shot where we watch the star plummet towards to house.

Updates on that soon :)

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